(aka Lost on Adventure Island)
DIRECTOR: Yancy Hendrieth
STARS: Crystal Holland, Chaz St. Peters, Dee Hendrieth
SYNOPSIS: Super rare XXX film with stop animation scenes! After crashing on a lost island our heroine and her dopey boyfriend have to deal with a hungry dinosaur, cannibal natives, man-hating Amazon women and of course the title monster "King Dong". They're helped out a little by Dong's baby gorilla (someone in a cheesy ape suit). File this under: So bad it's good. "Filmed entirely on location in the South Pacific" (!). Rated XXX.
*For more weirdness see:The War of the Gargantuas, Cheri & the Pirates, Dracula Blows His Cool and Tanya's Island
Fullscreen / Color
Region Free NTSC dvd-R
RED dvd case (above image is the front cover art)
Buy "King Dong" : $20.00
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