(aka The Cult, aka The House of Bondage,

aka Tochter des Satans)


DIRECTOR: Kentucky Jones (Albert Zugsmith)

STARS: Makee Blaisdell, Debbie Osborne (Erotic Advs of Pinocchio, There Toy Box), Uschi Digard (The Godchildren, Blood Hunger)

SYNOPSIS: The Manson murders - exploitation style! Actual it's more sexploitation style as the amount of sex & nudity in this rarity far outweighs the blood & violence. Before the film gets dark (and people start getting murdered) you have group sex, S&M and lesbianism. You also get black and white flashbacks, rape, drug use and the always reliable Uschi Digard getting naked. Anyone familiar with the real case will know pretty quickly, even without the benefit of spoken English, that the script is pretty thin on the actual events (kind of like 1971's Love Thrill Murders). Nonetheless, it's the type of down and dirty 70's grindhouse fare that surely gave fans their money worth. In German language with NO SUBTITLES!

BONUS: Original theatrical trailer (in English)

*For more trouble see: The Night God Screamed, Midnight Intruders, Andy Warhol's Bad and The Hitchhikers

Fullscreen / Color

Region Free NTSC dvd-R

BLACK dvd case (above image is the front cover art)

Buy "Manson Massacre" : $20.00

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