DIRECTOR: Chuck Vincent (Summer Camp, Erotic Animation Festival)
STARS: Walter Olkewicz (Jimmy the Kid, Brainwash), Glenn Mure, Stephanie Lawlor, Pauline Rose
SYNOPSIS: More T&A thrills from porn (and sexploitation) director Chuck Vincent (Hollywood Hot Tubs, Wimps, Party Girls, etc). It's hard to believe that late night cable could have existed in the 80's without his help! This time around a local bar is on the verge of going out of business. Their bright idea to save the day?… Staging a wet t-shirt contest for their horny customers. Harmless, nudity-filled, fun!
BONUS: Original theatrical trailer.
*For more sexploitation see: Hurry...the Schoolgirls are Coming!, One Night Only, Screen Test, Hollywood High, Pinball Summer and Lunch Wagon / Yum Yum Girls
Fullscreen / Color
Region Free NTSC dvd-R
BLACK dvd case (above image is the front cover art)
Buy "Hot T-Shirts" : $20.00
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