3 DEV ADAM dvd
(aka Three Giant Men)
DIRECTOR: T. Fikret Ucar
STARS: Aytekin Akkaya (Dead Don't Talk), Tevfik Sen, Yavuz Selekmen, Deniz Erkanat
SYNOPSIS: Crazy action film with Turkish rip-offs of Captain America and Santo battling a Spider-Man suit wearing master villain called simply "Spider". Bad guy "Spider" doesn't shoot webs or cling to walls; he only breaks into houses, kills the owners and steals valuable artifacts. He has a sexy sidekick and an endless supply of goons to send to battle. Our heroes don't have a hidden lair or even a cool car. They mostly show up, run around and kick some ass. The plot is almost childlike in its execution. I imagine kids in Istanbul were just happy to see a Turkish superhero. 3 Dev Adam is not so much a rip-off of American action films (this was made 5 years before 1978's Superman) as it is copying old serials of the 1940's like Batman, Crimson Ghost, Green Hornet, etc. Damsels in distress, cackling villains, cliffhanger action scenes, long chases through the countryside, etc. For anyone familiar with 60's & 70's Turkish films you'll know what to expect: low budget, cheesy costumes, sexy woman, stilted acting and of course clunky action scenes. In spoken Turkish with English subtitles.
Bonus: Almost 25 mins of wild Turkish film trailers
*For more see: Supermen Donuyor, Demir Pence, Kilink Istanbul Da, Flashman, Shadowman and Golden Bat
Fullscreen / Color
Region Free NTSC dvd-R
Buy "3 Dev Adam" : $20.00
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